Funding and Donations
To jump right into, I am really wanting to see my soap making grow and become a business. Part of any business plan is to have the funding to get started. I have been putting in my own money to buy the equipment I have needed and the supplies, but I'm currently unable to do that at the moment. Loans are always an option, but I don't feel confident with doing that in our current situation with the pandemic. So, that's where donations come in.
In order to get funding, I am looking at all you awesome people here. With your help, I can do more and provide more for you guys. I will be looking at providing content just for contributors as a thank you if you wish to be acknowledged. More on this to come, all depending on the amount of donations. Just click the box below to get started.
Funding will go towards supplies for soaps and packaging, possible new products, website development, advertising, product quality control, studio development, and more. I really want to be able to provide high quality products and content and to develop a community here. Please consider funding Pausing Stress Soaps and thank you for all who have!!